vintage Wallpapers at Lines of Pinner

Most of the wallpapers we’ve selected as vintage are original or adapted pre-1970s designs, although we’ve included a few ‘in the style of’ designs too. Particularly popular are art deco and fifties designs. If you’re looking for arts & crafts/Victorian/Edwardian era wallpapers, make sure you look through our Morris & Co. wallpapers (select from the main menu).

Alpana (69-2105) Alpana (69-2107) Aurora (116-1001) Aurora (116-1002) Aurora (116-1003) Aurora (116-1004) Big Band (4-4046-020) Big Band (4-4046-040) Big Band (4-4046-060) Big Band (4-4046-070) Big Band (4-4046-090) Big Band (4-4046-091) Bluebell (115-3008) Bluebell (115-3009) Bluebell (115-3010) Boscobel Oak (116-10036) Boscobel Oak (116-10037) Boscobel Oak (116-10038) Boscobel Oak (116-10039) Byron (94-7036) Byron (94-7037) Byron (94-7038) Byron (94-7039) Byron (94-7040)