Colefax and Fowler Wallpapers at Lines of Pinner

Colefax and Fowler epitomises the very best of English style, a style that is admired and emulated the world over. The essence of this look is a timeless elegance and subtlety, combined with an emphasis on perfect comfort, and an insistence on quality.


Ashbury - view all

Ashbury (7982-02) Ashling (7406-03) Brightwell (7989-03) Fernwood (7926-01) Leaf Trellis (7706-02) Rushmere (7985-01) Sudbury Park (7986-02)


Baptista - view all

Cesario (7159-01) Morrigan (7154-01) Poppy & Butterfly (7952-02) Roscoe (7156-06) Seraphina (7157-01) Snow Tree (7949-01)


Casimir - view all

Larkhall (7164-01) Swedish Tree (7165-01)


Celestine - view all

Atwood (7141-01) Celestine (7143-01) Roussillon (7971-01) Verity (7138-02)


Lindon - view all

Alderney (7963-02) Bowood (7401-02) Karina (7174-01) Kenton Trellis (7171-01) Lindon (7173-01) Lotta (7177-01) Marchwood (7976-01) Mazely (7178-01) Octavia (7175-01) Swift (7176-01) Vaughn (7172-01)


Mallory Stripes - view all

Alton Stripe (7988-02) Appledore (7167-02) Appledore Stripe (7187-03) Britta (7185-01) Chartworth Stripe (7139-02) Ditton Stripe (7146-01) Fulney Stripe (7980-01) Harwood (7906-05) Harwood Stripe (7907-01) Jude Stripe (7191-01) Sandrine Stripe (7184-01) Tealby Stripe (7991-02) Verney Stripe (7186-01)


Messina - view all

Bellflower (7127-01) Delancy (7128-01) Heywood (7130-01) Larissa (7131-01) Messina (7132-01) Mira (7133-04) Penfold Stripe (7135-01)


Textured Wallpapers - view all

Carine (7181-01) Esther (7183-01) Kenton (7170-01) Ormond (7180-01) Sandrine (7179-01) Stria (7182-01)