Cole & Son Wallpapers at Lines of Pinner

Cole & Son have been making fine printed wallpapers since 1875. Their collection of hand block printed wallpapers include designs dating back over 300 years.


Albemarle - view all

Albery (94-4019) Aldwych (94-5025) Baudelaire (94-1001) Blake (94-6031) Byron (94-7036) Chatterton (94-2008) Coleridge (94-9047) Piccadilly (94-8042) Wyndham (94-3014)


Archive Anthology - view all

Alma (100-11050) Bamboo (100-5022) Chinese Toile (100-8038) Chippendale China (100-3010) Egerton (100-9042) Florencecourt (100-1001) Hummingbirds (100-14067) Large Georgian Rope Trellis (100-13060) Madras Violet (100-12056) Strawberry Tree (100-10047) Sweet Pea (100-6029) Victorian Star (100-7032) Winter Birds (100-2006)


Archive Traditional - view all

Clandon (88-3010) Cranley (88-5019) Dialytra (88-11044) Dorset (88-7027) Florence (88-9037) Hartford (88-4016) Hovingham (88-2006) Lee Priory (88-6023) Ludlow (88-1001) Moire (88-13051) St Petersburg Damask (88-8033) Sudbury (88-12047) Woolverston (88-10041)


Ardmore Collection - view all

Acacia (109-11051) Ardmore Border (109-5024) Ardmore Cameos (109-9041) Jabu (109-3013) Khulu Vases (109-12056) Leopard Walk (109-2008) Matrinah (109-4019) Narina (109-10045) Safari Dance (109-8036) Savuti (109-1001) Senzo Spot (109-6027) Singita (109-7034) Zambezi (109-14062) Zulu Border (109-13060)


Botanical Botanica - view all

Allium (115-12034) Bluebell (115-3008) Camellia (115-8023) Fern (115-7021) Forest (115-9028) Lilac (115-1001) Lilac Grandiflora (115-15045) Maidenhair (115-6017) Meadow (115-13038) Rose (115-10029) Sweet Pea (100-6027) Thistle (115-14042) Topiary (115-2005) Wisteria (115-5012) Woodland (115-4011)


Contemporary Restyled - view all

Cow Parsley (95-9050) Hicks' Grand (95-6036) Lily (95-4019) Malabar (95-7039) Orchid (95-10055) Rajapur (95-2013) Summer Lily (95-4023)


Curio - view all

Crackle (107-11050) Goldstone (107-9041) Ingot (107-5023) Mineral (107-6027) Plume (107-3012) Quartz (107-8037) Seafern (107-2006) Strand (107-7032) Vermicelli (107-4017) Wood Grain (107-10045) Zebrawood (107-1001)


Folie - view all

Bagatelle (99-5023) Bourlie (99-4019) Broderie Border (99-14056) Fontainebleau (99-12050) Louis (99-8034) Marly (99-13052) Parterre (99-2005) Parterre Border (99-3012) Rousseau (99-9037) Rousseau Border (99-10042) Tivoli (99-7029) Trianon (99-11047) Versailles (99-15060) Versailles Grand (99-16065) Villandry (99-1001)


Fornasetti - view all

Acquario (114-12024) Chiavi Segrete (114-9017) Ex Libris (114-5010) Frutto Proibito (114-1002) Macchine Volanti (114-10021) Malachite (114-6012) Mediterranea (114-7013) Nuvole al Tramonto (114-3006) Nuvolette (114-2004) Procuratie con vista (114-8015) Uccelli (114-11023)


Fornasetti Senza Tempo - view all

Acquario (97-10030) Arance (114-24046) Bastoni (114-14026) Chiavi Segrete (114-9019) Cocktails (114-23043) Ex Libris (114-15029) Frutto Proibito (114-1001) Libreria (114-13025) Macchine Volanti (114-10020) Malachite (114-6011) Mediterranea (114-19038) Nuvolette (114-28054) Procuratie (114-22042) Procuratie con vista (114-8016) Procuratie e Scimmie (114-21041) Riflesso (114-20040) Teatro (114-4008) Uccelli (114-11022)


Foundation - view all

Concrete (92-3011) Crackle (92-1001) Marble (92-7033) Salvage (92-11049) Stone Block (92-6029) Tweed (92-4015) Weave (92-9040) Wood Grain (92-5021)


Geometric II - view all

Apex Grand (105-10041) Deco Palm (105-8035) Delano (105-7030) Luxor (105-1001) Mosaic (105-3013) Oblique (105-11046) Prism (105-9040) Puzzle (105-2007) Riviera (105-6026) Tile (105-12050)


Icons - view all

Cow Parsley (112-8026) Feather Fan (112-10033) Flamingos (112-11038) Hummingbirds (112-4014) Miami (112-6023) Palm Jungle (112-1001) Palm Leaves (112-2005) Petite Tile (112-5018) Prism (112-7025) Rajapur Flock (112-9031) Woods (112-3009)


Landscape Plains - view all

Coral (106-5061) Cordovan (106-4052) Jaspe (106-3030) Pebble (106-2015) Watered Silk (106-1001)


Mariinksy Damask - view all

Antique Mirror (92-2008) Balabina (108-1001) Bellini (108-9045) Carmen (108-2006) Carousel Stripe (108-6030) Fonteyn (108-7032) Giselle (108-5021) Petrouchka (108-3011) Pushkin (108-8039) Stravinsky (108-4016)


Marquee Stripes - view all

Cambridge Stripe (110-8038) Carousel Stripe (110-9041) College Stripe (110-7034) Croquet Stripe (110-5026) Glastonbury Stripe (96-4018) Jaspe Border (110-10045) Jaspe Stripe (110-4018) Marquee Stripe (110-2007) Polo Stripe (110-1001) Regatta Stripe (110-3013)


Martyn Lawrence Bullard - view all

Babylon (113-13039) Bahia (113-4012) Bazaar (113-2005) Eden Stripe (113-15044) Fez Border (113-6014) Hollywood Palm (113-1001) Jali Trellis (113-5013) Medina (113-7016) Patina Haze (113-9025) Royal Fernery (113-3008) Sultan's Palace (113-10029) Trees of Eden: Eternity (113-14041) Trees of Eden: Life (113-14043) Trees of Eden: Paradise (113-14042) Zellige (113-11032) Zellige Border (113-12036) Zerzura (113-8020)


New Contemporary - view all

Cow Parsley (66-7048) Malabar (66-1001) Orchid (66-4024) Palm Leaves (66-2011) Pompeian (66-3021) Rajapur (66-5037)


New Contemporary Two - view all

Alpana (69-2105) Fioretti (69-1101) Lily (69-3110) Mimosa (69-8129) Woods (69-12150) Woodstock (69-7125)


Seville - view all

Alcazar Gardens (117/7020) Alfaro (117/4010) Alicatado (117/12036) Angel's Trumpet (117/3006) Bougainvillea (117/6016) Flamenco Fan (117/14043) Geranium (117/11032) Hispalis (117/2005) Jasmine & Serin Symphony (117/10028) Lola (117/13040) Orange Blossom (117/1001) Piccadilly (117/8021) Talavera (117/9025) Triana (117/5013)


The Contemporary Collection - view all

Cow Parsley (66-7046) Feather Fan (89-4014) Flamingos (66-6042) Hicks' Grand (95-6033) Hicks' Hexagon (66-8054) Magnolia (72-3009) Malabar (66-1002) Miami (105-4017) Orchid (95-10054) Palm Jungle (95-1001) Palm Leaves (66-2010) Pompeian (95-11059) Rajapur (95-2010) Summer Lily (95-4022) Versailles Grand (99-16064) Woods (69-12147) Woods & Pears (95-5027)


The Pearwood Collection - view all

Aurora (116-1001) Boscobel Oak (116-10036) Fanfare Flock (116-7026) Floral Kingdom (116-3009) Midsummer Bloom (116-4013) Pavo Parade (116-8028) Pugin Palace Flock (116-9033) Treillage (116-6021) Vines of Pomona (116-2005) Woodvale Orchard (116-5017)


Whimsical - view all

Archipelago Border (103-12054) Butterflies & Dragonflies (103-15062) Cabaret (103-7026) Columbus (103-13055) Melville (103-1001) Nautilus (103-4018) Paddy & Louis Border (103-6025) Peaseblossom (103-10032) Punchinello (103-2006) Scaramouche (103-8027) Secret Garden (103-9030) Stars (103-3012) Titania (103-14057) Woods (103-5022) Woods & Stars (103-11047)